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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

The Chemical Toilet Wastes Disposal Program controls and monitors the disposal of chemical toilet wastes to the collection system and facilities of the MWRD with the goal of keeping such wastes out of the environment and providing appropriate treatment. This program is administered through the Chemical Toilet Wastes Disposal Ordinance and is open to any haulers of such wastes. The MWRD prohibits disposal of wastes from septic tanks and cesspools, or from any truck used to haul special or hazardous wastes.

A flat rate of 4¢ per gallon, based on the volumetric capacity of the permitted vehicle, is administered via quarterly invoice for all disposals.

Permit duration is January 1st through December 31st of each year. A $500 nonrefundable administration fee is due with each application. To receive a permit for this program, please submit an application or contact the MWRD for more information.


Effluent Limit

Cadmium (total)

1.19 mg/L

Chromium (total)

10.23 mg/L

Copper (total)

40.93 mg/L

Cyanide (total)

3.41 mg/L

Iron (total)

511.59 mg/L

Lead (total)

6.14 mg/L

Mercury (total)

0.171 mg/L

Nickel (total)

2.73 mg/L

Zinc (total)

68.21 mg/L

Disposals are accepted at the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant every day from 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Both the driver and the truck must be approved by the MWRD in advance.

Stickney Water Reclamation Plant

4015 S, Laramie Ave, Cicero, IL 60804


Permittees who wish to discharge on weekends and/or holidays are required to notify the MWRD at least two business days prior to disposal. MWRD recognized holidays are:

New Year’s Day

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday

Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday

Presidents’ Day

Memorial Day


Independence Day

Labor Day 

Veteran’s Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day

The Chemical Toilet Wastes Disposal Program is by-permit-only. The haulers below are permitted and approved:

  • Lizard Express, Inc.
  • Patriot Portables LLC
  • Service Sanitation Inc.
  • Simple Sanitation Inc.
  • Twilight Portable Restrooms
  • Waste Management, Inc.