The Three Vendor Registrations Required by the MWRD
Three Required Vendor Registrations
Register as an MWRD vendor
This one-time registration will import you into the MWRD’s ERP system. This will enable you to receive emailed invitations to bid that are associated with the NIGP classification codes you would use to self-describe your company during this registration process. It will also allow you to be paid for any work you are awarded under a contract or request for proposal.
Register to download the bidding documents
This one-time registration will enable you to use an email address that you register as the “key” to obtain bidding documents for a given contract or request for proposal. Once you then obtain the bidding documents, you are now considered a “plan holder” for that contract or request for proposal. Your registered information is used to communicate any changes to the bidding documents via formal addendum. You can also use the link below to update your registered information if needed, to ensure any addendum are sent to the correct contact information.
Please note: bidding documents are only available on the MWRD's Portal
Register to submit your bid response
This one-time registration will enable you to submit your bid response for a given contract or request for proposal. The MWRD utilizes the Bonfire system as its 3rd party, e-procurement platform to receive electronic bid responses from vendors. The bidding documents for a given contract or request for proposal will have a custom URL link that you will copy and paste into your browser, taking you to the specific Bonfire project associated with the given contract or request for proposal. There you will be able to upload your bid response, as indicated in the instructions provided in the bidding documents. Please note: bid responses are only received using the unique URL Bonfire link associated with a given contract or request for proposal.