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Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago

The MWRD creates, develops, and shares publications in classrooms, with community groups, and at outreach events. They play a crucial role in enhancing the public’s understanding of our wastewater treatment and stormwater management work, while also educating them on how they can contribute to our mission. 

To request multiple copies of these publications:

MWRD Overview

Agency Brochure 2024

A Utility of the Future 
20-page booklet 

Our annual agency brochure shows how the MWRD is actively developing innovative ways to recover and reuse resources removed from wastewater. 

Climate Action Plan

Climate Action Plan 
4-page brochure 

This overview of our Climate Action Plan details the highly ambitious steps the MWRD will take to lower its carbon footprint by 2050.

2024 Calendar

Our annual calendar features photos our staff took throughout the year. The 2024 theme is “Rooted in Nature: A Year Long Celebration of Native Plants” and showcases the native plants around MWRD properties.

MWRD 2024 Calendar


Understanding Your Sewer

Understanding Your Sewer
12-page half-size booklet
English • Español • Polski

This booklet gives an overview of the combined sewer systems in the Chicago area and explains how they work during rainstorms. It encourages our residents to become informed participants in the discussion about sewers, stormwater, and flooding, helping them understand this essential infrastructure.

Fact Sheet Mockup - TARP

TARP Fact Sheet
2-page flyer

Discover how the Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP), often called the “Deep Tunnel,” protects Lake Michigan and the Chicago area’s waterways from pollution. This system involves deep, wide tunnels and large reservoirs that capture and store combined stormwater and sewage that might otherwise overflow into waterways.


Fact Sheets - WRPs

2-page flyers

Calumet WRP     English   •   Español   •   Polski

John E. Egan WRP     English   •   Español   •   Polski

Hanover Park WRP      English   •   Español   •   Polski

James C. Kirie WRP      English   •   Español   •   Polski

Lemont WRP      English   •   Español   •   Polski

Terrence J. O’Brien WRP      English   •   Español   •   Polski

Stickney WRP     English   •   Español   •   Polski

Stormwater Management      

Overflow Action Days: A Simple Guide to Water Conservation

Overflow Action Days: A Simple Guide to Water Conservation     
12-page half-size booklet      
English   •   Español  •   Polski

A Friends of the Chicago River publication to educate residents on conserving water at home during forecasted heavy rainfall, ensuring sewer systems can handle excess stormwater.

Rain Barrels Brochure

Rain Barrels      
tri-fold brochure      
English   •   Español  •   Polski

This brochure explains how to order and use rain barrels to help with water conservation and reduce your water bill. Using rain barrels reduces the flow of rainwater from your property into local sewer systems.



The Green Neighbor Guide

The Green Neighbor Guide      
44-page booklet      
English   •   Español

This guide provides instructions for stormwater management projects that you can construct or install on your property, including rain gardens, permeable pavement, and rain barrels.

The Green Neighbor Guide Flyer

The Green Neighbor Guide Flyer      
dual-language flyer 
English & Español

This dual-language flyer provides an overview of stormwater management projects detailed in the full Green Neighbor Guide.


Restore the Canopy Brochure

Restore the Canopy, Plant a Tree      
tri-fold brochure
English   •   Español

Restore the Canopy offers free saplings to help restore our region’s depleted tree canopy. This brochure lists pick-up information, tips on planting, and care instructions.


Water Wellness

Call 1-800-Dump to Report Blockages, Dumping, or Odors

Call 1-800-Dump to Report  
Blockages, Dumping, or Odors 
dual-language rack card 
English   •   Español

This rack card features our 1-800-332-DUMP reporting hotline. Citizens can help keep our waterways clean and flowing well by reporting waterway blockages, illegal or suspicious dumping to waterways or sewers, or odors.


Think Inside the Box for Unused Drugs

Think Inside the Box for Unused Drugs 
rack card 
English   •   Español

Safe drug disposal means safe water. This rack card helps citizens do their part by locating and using a drug collection box located at MWRD facilities and throughout Cook County.

Think Beyond the Banks: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Recipes

Think Beyond Banks 
12-page half-size booklet 
English   •   Español

The Friends of the Chicago River and Wrigley Company Foundation started the THINK! initiative to promote river-friendly thinking. This booklet provides eco-friendly cleaning recipes that are safe for the water and its creatures.


Scientific Research

Biological Survey of the MWRD Properties

Biological Survey of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Properties
233-page report

A field survey was conducted to study the plants and animals on District properties, including along the Chicago Area Water System. This survey provided valuable information that will help the District take better care of its properties. The data collected will support biodiversity and aid in planning for water resources related to District facilities in the future. The findings from these field surveys are presented in this scientific report.

Image displaying several articles by MWRD staff published in WEF's Water Environment Research magazine

Published in WEF’s Water Environment Research