Monitoring and Research Seminar
A Pilot Study on Biotrickling Filters Using Synthetic Media for Design of Full-Scale Odor Control Facilities, Warner Song, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Engineer, Wastewater Research Section, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, Whittier, California
The MWRD hosts a seminar series at the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant that is open to the public. These seminars are eligible for Professional Development Credits/CEUs.
In person: Stickney Water Reclamation Plant, Lue-Hing R&D Complex, 6001 West Pershing Rd., Cicero, IL. Reservations are required at least 24 hours in advance by emailing Dr. Heng Zhang at or call (708) 588-4264 or (708) 588-4059.
Virtual: Visit Seminars on July 26 for the seminar link.
The seminar is eligible for Professional Development Credits/CEUs.